15. Oktober 1967
176, 26-
177, 7
All the news ... Versprechen am Kopf - s.K. 78, 2.

176, 36-
177, 7
mit der Überschrift ... Versprechen am Kopf - Die NYT vom 15.10.1967 zitiert den Herausgeber des »Worker«: »›We think we are objective because we admit our orientation,‹ says Carl Winter. ›Those who claim to be objective and deny their orientation are really camouflaging.‹ [...] The latest circulation report says The Worker has 3, 664 mail subscriptions, 10, 554 sales through dealers, carriers, street vendors and counters.« Der Artikel vermerkt, daß kaum über die komm. Partei der USA geschrieben werde, daß aber der Parteisekretär Gus Hall anläßlich eines Glückwunsches zum 18. Jahrestag der Volksrepublik China versichert habe, die Marxisten-Leninisten »will surely find the way to overcome all present barriers for further advancement along the road of social progress and peace.«

177, 1 Worker – “The Worker”, Zeitung der Kommunistischen Partei der USA; 1922 als Wochenblatt gegr.; erschien 1924-58 als »Daily Worker« täglich, 1958-68 als »The Worker« nur als Wochenendausgabe, bis die Partei Ende 1968 wieder eine Tageszeitung »The Daily World« herausgab; vgl. Fahlke (1991), S. 133; s.K. 1071, 19.

177, 3 All the News ... Fits the Line - Übersetzt im Text 177, 4f.; s.K. 78, 2.

177, 8-13 In einer Bar ... Newark gegangen sein - Der Artikel »3 Men Shot to Death In a Newark Tavern« der NYT vom 15.10.1967 beschreibt sehr ausführlich, was über Verbrechen und Personen bekannt ist, nennt aber kein Motiv. Da der Streik der Dockarbeiter wegen Differenzen zwischen Dienstaltersvorrechten ausgebrochen war, ist eine »Verteilung der Gewinne« kaum annehmbar.
»A tavern owner and two brothers, one of them a hiring boss on the Newark docks, were shot to death in a barroom on a normally quiet street here early today. [...] Mr. Martello was co-owner of the bar, the Club 309, at 309 Lafayette Street, where the shooting took place. [...]
Although the police declined to discuss any motive for the crime, the shooting immediately raised speculation that they [sic] might be connected with a wildcat strike by longshoremen in Port Newark during the week. [...]
Dr. Edwin Albano, the Essex County Medical Examiner, said that an autopsy showed that each man had been shot at close range. [...]
Capt. Vincent P. Fitzsimmons of the Newark police said that ›apparently the victims had been drinking with their killers‹ [...].
Presumably robbery was not a motive in the slayings, as the police reported that nearly $500 in cash was found on the bodies of the three victims.«

177, 14-17 Ein fünfundsechzigjähriger Mann ... den Rücken gebunden - »A man about 65 years old was found dead - his throat cut and his hands bound behind his back with wire - after a minor fire last night in an apartment house at 66-20 Wetherole Street in Forest Hills, Queens. The police identified the dead man as Charles W. Taggs and said the fire in his apartment appeared to have been set deliberately. The police said Mr. Tagg’s throat had been ›cut from ear to ear‹«, NYT 15.10.1967.

177, 16 Forest Hills, Queens - Stadtteil von Queens (s.K. 20, 28f.) zwischen Long Island Expressway, Flushing Meadows-Corona Park, Union Turnpike und Junction Boulevard; benannt nach seiner Nähe zu Forest Park; vorwiegend von jüd. und ital. Mittelklasse bewohnt.

177, 18f. Westdeutsche Studenten haben ... politische Meinung auszudrücken - Unter der Überschrift »German Students Burn Right-Wing Newspapers« wird von einem »bonfire« aus Springer-Publikationen in Waischenfeld in Nordbayern berichtet und an die Bücherverbrennungen unter den Nazis erinnert. »The fire was part of a campaign mounted by students and some publicists to ›dispossess Springer‹. The idea was originally launched two years ago by Walter Ulbricht, the East German Communist chief. [...] The campaign of the leftist students enjoys varying degrees of support from intellectuals, including the ›Gruppe 47,‹ a mixed bag of poets and novelists who live the life of good burghers while occasionally voicing political protests on subjects such as Vietnam.
At their annual meeting at Waischenfeld this week most of the group 47 writers adopted a resolution vowing that they would not publish any of their books in Springer papers. They avoided the bonfire.«

177, 20-23 Heinrich Schneider, 53 ... in Wuppertal erhängt - Vgl. den Artikel »Former Nazi, on Trial, Hangs Himself in Prison« der NYT vom 15.10.1967: »Heinrich Schneider, 53 years old, a former Nazi policeman accused of burning 800 Polish Jews to death in a synagogue in Bialystok, hanged himself in his prison cell in Wuppertal last night.
Schneider, a clerk, was one of four chief defendants in a trial of 14 wartime policemen. According to the indictment, the other accused men helped Schneider drive the Jews into the synagogue, lock the doors and pour gasoline through the windows. They then threw hand grenades at the victims, according to the indictment.
The massacre took place in 1941.«

177, 21 bialystoker Synagoge - Bial/ystok: Stadt im Nordwesten Polens, bis 1941 unter sowj. Verwaltung, 1941-45 zum Deutschen Reich gehörig; s. 921, 16f.

177, 36 Wippwapps - Nachbildung von: seesaw: (engl.) Wippe.

178, 27-
179, 22
»Ich sehe aus ... es im Krieg« - Zur Interpretation des Aufsatzes von Marie vgl. Wagner (1986); Zetzsche (1994), S. 228-230; s. 312, 37-313, 21; 1332, 36f.

178, 28 Guten Eß Geschäfts - s.K. 176, 11.

179, 24 You did too - (engl.) Hast du auch gesagt.

179, 33 Magdalene - Druckfehler in allen Ausgaben, richtig: Magdalena.