27. Mai 1968
1226, 15-25 Wer Ho Tshi ... Nam Press Hanoi - Die NYT vom 27.5.1968 beruft sich hier auf die Nachrichtenagentur CAP in Tokio: »President Ho Chi Minh of North Vietnam has composed a poem to thank those who remembered his 78th birthday May 19.
Hanoi’s official Vietnam press agency said this is what President Ho Chi Minh wrote:
    At 78, I don’t feel very old yet
    Steadily on my shoulders I still carry the country’s burden.
    In their resistance, our poeple are winning tremendous victories.
    Forward! We march with our younger generations.«

1226, 15 Ho Tshi Minh - s.K. 988, 34.

1226, 25 © Viet Nam Press Hanoi - s.K. 116, 25.

1226, 26-
1227, 8
Zeugnis für Alexej ... Square, den heutigen - In dem Kommentar »After the Kosygin Mission« der NYT vom 27.5.1968 wird Kossygin als »skilful emissionary« für eine vielschichtige und delikate Aufgabe bezeichnet. »Naturally quiet and retiring, Kosygin’s public relations tactics are the opposite of those followed by his predecessor, the loud and boisterous Nikita Khrushchev. The Kosygin manner was therefore much better suited for calming Czechoslovak apprehension. Certainly it must have been reassuring for many in the country - still worried about earlier signs and rumors suggesting planned Soviet intervention - to see Moscow’s Premier taking the baths in Karlovy Vary and walking with his granddaughter.
In his negotiations with Communist party and Government leaders, it seems likely, Kosygin emphasized the carrot of a large Soviet hard-currency loan, but neither side was unaware of the stick behind his back: the threat of military action. In any case, the Soviet visitor got some significant concessions. Warsaw Pact troop maneuvers will take place in Czechoslovakia this year; the managers of that country’s communications media were instructed to tighten the reins on the range of permissible expression, and it was made publicly plain that genuine legal opposition parties will not be permitted.
The mouthpiece of Moscow’s generals, the newspaper Krasnaya Zvezda, growled last week that there was a connection between American subversion and Czechoslovakia’s ‹internal processes.› That complaint probably helps to explain the Kosygin decision to cut short his visit, for it makes plain that the Stalinist faction in Moscow is still suspicious and far from reassured by the significant concessions Premier Kosygin did win. Now that he is back in the Kremlin, Kosygin’s abilities to reassure that group among his colleagues will be influential in shaping Czechoslovakia’s - and the world’s - future«; Kossygin: s.K. 89, 11.

1226, 29 Karlovy Vary - s.K. 1200, 6.

1227, 7 43. Straße, westlich des Times Square - Dort befindet sich das Gebäude der New York Times; s.K. 60, 14; 134, 8.

1227, 9-22 Die Kommunisten in ... Wird es reichen - In dem Artikel »Ex-Prisoners Get Czech Concession« der NYT vom 27.5.1968 heißt es: »Czechoslovakia’s progressive Communist regime is taking its first steps towards rehabilitation of 40,000 people who have served sentences in prison or concentration camps for political reasons in the last 20 years. It is also planning relief for about 100,000 who have suffered so-called administrative penalties, such as expulsion from their homes for political reasons. [...] people who have had served their sentences for political offences barred in the past from all but manual labor, would now be free to resume their old occupation. [...] The proposed law calls for payment of 20,000 crowns for each year spent in prison, with 25 per cent of the compensation to be paid immediately and the rest over a period of about 10 years. It was estimated that a billion crowns might be paid out by the end of 1970. The official rate of exchange of the crown is seven to the dollar although a rate of 16 is used for some purposes«; s.K. 1105, 21-25.

1227, 37 du Kaukasierin, du rosa Kind - s.K. 437, 5f.

1228, 38f. das Ding bewegt sich doch - Anspielung auf den nicht belegten Ausspruch Galileo Galileis »Und sie bewegt sich doch!«, nachdem er 1633 gezwungen worden war, seiner auf Kopernikus fußenden Lehre, daß sich die Erde um die Sonne drehe, vor der Inquisition abzuschwören.